Please note that as an unregistered provider we are unable to use restrictive practices.

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 If you would like assistance to complete please contact us or 

if you feel this form could be improved please email or phone 08 7530 5719

RADS Primary Purpose

Creating Community Connections

General Information

Emergency Contact Information

NDIS Information


About You

If boxes provided are inadequate please use the boxes 'Additional Information'' at the bottom of each section

Medical Information

Please list any medications you are currently taking for the purpose of relaying critical information to medical personnel in an emergency or upload a medication summary, current charts, complex health care plan, CMI for current medications. 


Please list any allergies


PLANS (Other)

Please know that we are an un-registered provider and therefore cannot use restrictive practices.
Complex Health Care Plans and/or recommended actions and any relevant reports from your doctor- i.e stress management, bowel care, Mental Health, Seizure Management

Please detail any medical conditions staff should be aware of prior to commencing support

Schedule of Supports

Your support worker can support you to achieve the goals in your NDIS plan. By getting to know you and building a strong relationship, you can achieve more successful outcomes together. 

Supports Needs

E.g male, female, peer aged
E.g. School, GP, Specialists, Allied Health, Mental Health, Service Providers, Hospital, Community Health, Other


The Companion Card is for people with a significant and permanent disability, who require attendant care support in order to participate at community venues and activities. For more information and to download the form click this link

You can apply for a Companion Card if you can demonstrate all of the following. 

  • you live in South Australia

  • you have a significant and permanent disabililty

  • due to the impact of your diability you are unable to pariticpate at most community venues and activities without attendant care support

  • you need for this level of support will be lifelong  

Please describe anything about her home that support staff may need to know prior to commencing support e.g pets

About Me

E.g. easy going, friendly, quiet, funny
Members of a club, sports, arts, likes, dislikes, hobbies, singing, dancing, theatre
E.g. pets, family, health, having fun
E.g I need to feel motivated to get out of bed, please do not speak too loudly, include me in conversations, please tell me if there are new staff on my team, I do not like change, I would like to be invited to all social events

Consent to Share Information

Record of Client Consent

My worker and/or representative has discussed with me how and why certain information about me may need to be provided to my nominated providers.

I understand the recommendations and I give my permission for the information to be shared as detailed above. 

Support Coordinators, Plan Managers, Other
E.g. GP, Allied Health Professionals, Other providers. Please include name, their role and contact details (phone & email)
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